Monday, December 31, 2007

All I want for X-Mas is a Massively Painful Tooth Extraction

On the second day of Christmas my Oral Surgeon gave to me 3 of my own teeth in a handy little manila envelope.

Okay, not the best way to spend the day after Christmas but my deductible was already met for the year and I've been meaning to have my impacted wisdom teeth removed for a long time now, like 10 years. I scheduled my surgery for the 26th and was fully intending to work the remainder of the week until my Earned Time Report revealed that I had time to use up before the first of the year. I used my surgery as the justification for the time off.

I foolishly thought that my recovery would be relaxing I even had visions of myself enjoying the rest of my week off. I figured I'd ski, play a little World of Warcraft, catch up on my blogging. But beginning with the Doctor not being able to start an IV to save his life, I have ten holes in my hand to prove it... my wisdom tooth experience was seriously awful.

I was lead astray by my wife's recent easy recovery from her last wisdom tooth experience. She was totally herself the very next day, only needed one Oxycodone for the pain and never even swelled up. I realized that I was having three out and it would be worse than Mandy's was but "I heal up faster than she does" I thought to myself. "Oh No. Not this time" Karma replied. That's what I get for thinking that men are stronger and heal faster than women. Or at least that I'm stronger and heal faster than Mando.

Now (four days and more disgusting misery than I will go into here) I'm back to 95% and my cheeks no longer bulge to create a profile that closely resembles Peter Griffin's.

1 comment:

Gavin said...

I got mine out last may, and I didn't even take any of the Percocet that I was given. In fact, I was at Wings the next night, enjoying solid food! I think you got gypped.